Pardon our appearance.
In a twist of vocational irony, we are currently updating our site. While the content and messaging are accurate, the presentation needs to be reworked. An update is imminent.


Although a large portion of integrated marketing communications programs are focused on web marketing, you can't yet eliminate print marketing materials! Print is still considered the king of marketing collateral and an important informational, product and branding vehicle.

Even with the ever increasing popularity of the web, people still want to see, hold and carry a brochure outlining products or services. A brochure or capabilities piece establishes instant credibility and says this is a well organized, focused and substantial business that is going to be here for you for the long haul.

The Design Syndicate has the team of marketing professionals who can develop a turnkey print material program, from planning to design, copywriting to printing. Our team is experienced in the development of a wide variety of print materials including:

  • Corporate Capabilities Brochures
  • Product Catalog or Service Brochures
  • Sales and Data Sheets
  • Newsletters - Customer and Employee focus
  • Annual Reports
  • Direct Mailers

By itself, or as part of your integrated marketing communications program, The Design Syndicate has the team to provide the ideas, imagination, inspiration and innovation to produce your informative print collateral.