Pardon our appearance.
In a twist of vocational irony, we are currently updating our site. While the content and messaging are accurate, the presentation needs to be reworked. An update is imminent.


Direct Mail and email campaigns are effective tools for generating sales and increasing brand awareness among new and existing customers. Email campaigns can inform customers of everything from special offers, sales and product rollouts, to new web site launches. In addition to these sales-oriented campaigns, more and more companies are using e-newsletters for brand reinforcement and consumer surveys to gather information about their customers, consumer buying habits and product feedback.

Generally more well received than a direct appeal for a sale, E-newsletters and information based email provide customers with useful and pertinent information that they will be more willing to receive.

Weather print or electronic, both mediums are here to stay and will continue to evolve as communications vehicles.

The Design Syndicate has executed both types of media campaigns for clients of all types. Special offers, sales, product rollouts, web site launches, E-newsletters and customer loyalty surveys. We can craft one to specifically meet your needs.